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Monday, June 6, 2011

January to June

Happy June! Since January I have done so much work for the company I am currently working for and I wanted to share a few of my favorite things with you! (I also have other catalogs, signs, and advertisements that I would love to share with you in my print portfolio!)

This is a poster to promote volunteering in the future by showing what volunteer work has done in the past.

This is a trifold brochure to explain an in store program available to customers.

This is a banner that measure 33"x80" actual size for use at a trade show. There was another sign as well as a set of explanatory product cards that I designed as a set to go with this presentation.

Have a great day!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New work...

Lots more... coming very soon!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Freelance Invitation

This is a freelance invitation I created for a 60th Wedding Anniversary Party. I was asked to make a one sided invitation with an optional after-party invitation to be sent to some guests... I incorporated the diamond pattern in aqua and white because they were the couple's wedding colors 60 years ago, along with the fact that the 60th wedding anniversary is signified as the "diamond anniversary". I was also asked for an illustration to be included on the invitations of an old couple and a young couple to be married... Enjoy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Digital Photography

My last semester in college I took a digital photography class, something I had wanted to do ever since I started college but never made the time for until my last semester. Needless to say, I fell in love with it. Here are some of my best and favorite photography pieces I've done from January until now... Enjoy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

business card

Here is a business card/calling card I was asked to design... Name/Phone #/Tagline/Logo all changed for privacy purposes... I was asked for very clean and modern-- simple black type on a white background... Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Invitations

I re-did the party invitations for my current employer and they were just recently sent to the printer... Here is the modified version of the postcard-style invitations!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Peas and Carrots

Another ad design assignment: advertise peas and carrots by MacElroy Farms to college students...

Sweets Candy Company Ad

For this assignment I had to make a 2 page spread advertisement for a magazine and a billboard for a fictitious candy company called "Sweets".

Fruit of the Loom

Here is another assignment for my advertising design class, for Fruit of the Loom underwear.

Who likes asparagus?

Hopefully you will after you see this ad! It was the first final-art assignment for my advertising design class, I had to advertise to parents of young children asparagus... and this is what I came up with... A child-like illustration and all!

For my current employer...

...I created an invitation to be used for the birthday parties we hold at our facility. I also began working on some ideas for t-shirt design (based off of our company logo and tagline).

Mom and Dad's 25th Anniversary Party

My brother and I planned a party for my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. This is the invitation and the sign I created to put in the front yard, idea based off of an image (source unknown) that my Dad saw and thought was the cutest thing ever... and he was right. =]

Group Work-Posters

This is a set of posters I created for a group project. A fictitious company was created to help former prisoners and substance abusers get their lives back on track after completing their sentences and rehabilitation programs. The logo was created by another group member-- and others created billboards, brochures and other promotional materials.

Tea Package Design

This is an example of package design for a (fictitious) tea company that I created in one of my graphic design courses.


For my Graphic Design II class we had to create a brochure advertising an event or service provided by a non-profit organization. Here is my brochure for a Valentine's day weekend pet adoption through the Michigan Humane Society. When printed, it was a die-cut around the dog's head, which surrounded the white portion of the interior of the brochure.

Book Covers

Here is another assignment where we had to create a series of book covers for different genres of books, one poetry, one non-fiction, one fiction, and one biography or autobiography. We also had to choose one to make an interior spread for, I chose The Scarlet Letter:

Design Work

So, I'm going to start posting my work in this blog for you to view-- this is a project I did for a class assignment to advertise the season "winter". It was created in Adobe Illustrator as an 8.5" x 11" ad.